Boseong Green Tea Festival

Last month I had the pleasure of attending Boseong’s green tea festival. Spring is here and the weather is finally warm and the constant rain has slowed down. I was super grateful for such a beautiful day to spend outdoors in the tea fields.
I originally went with a tour group called Butlers Korea. Butlers Korea is a concierge service for foreigners in Korea. They offer services such as housing information, transportation, translation services, help with hospital appointments, etc. The trip was free and they offered English speaking tour guides for the activities that we participated in.
I can’t speak for the other groups, as there were four groups that came from different areas. I was with the group that originally left from Gwangju. In my opinion, the whole thing was a bit unorganized and our tour guides seemed like they didn’t really know what to do with such a large group of people. I can only assume that our guides were a bit inexperienced as they were very young (still in college maybe?). Or maybe they just weren’t expecting so many people to join the tour.
But aside from two activities that we did together, we were given plenty of free time which I was thankful for because I wanted to get plenty of pictures of the beautiful fields. There were vendors in tents selling tea, soaps, jams and jellies, green tea ice cream, and many different kinds of food. There was even singing, dancing, and other performances on a main stage that anyone could watch.
I really enjoyed my time and I am excited to attend more festivals! Korea has so many festivals happening all over the country now that the weather is finally warm. The rose festival, the butterfly festival, sports festivals, and countless music festivals. Many artists are also having concerts now and I am hoping I am able to attend one. But in the meantime, I can’t wait to attend the next festival 🙂