Tag: teach English

What I’m Packing For Korea

What I’m Packing For Korea

Countdown update: T-minus 8 days! It is now crunch time…only not really because I already have everything packed and ready to go, lol. For me, it’s literally just a waiting game. If you have applied to the EPIK program then you should be very familiar 

T-minus 14 Days & Getting My Visa

T-minus 14 Days & Getting My Visa

So if it wasn’t official before, it’s definitely official now! My visa came in the mail today and I didn’t expect to get as excited as I did. I was actually running up the stairs and jumping around my room. This was the message I 

Going to Korea!

Going to Korea!

So it’s official. I’m going to South Korea! Well, it’s actually been official for about two weeks now, I just waited a while before I started a blog about it. I have exactly seventeen days until I leave and it still feels surreal that it